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Handling Aurea Social Install Launcher Errors


You attempted to Install, Upgrade, or Uninstall Social using the Installation Wizard. The Launcher provided a number of Errors and you require guidance on how to address them.





When the Aurea Social Launcher runs any of its operations, it generates an Installation Log detailing any Errors encountered. In addition, it provides manual commands that can be used to address the underlying issue. You can review them within the Errors window of the Launcher or you can reference the steps below to review the Install log directly.

  1. Locate the Install log within the folder where you ran the Setup Launcher.
  2. Search for "Task Failed to Complete" within the Install log.
  3. The log will provide you with the manual cmdlet that can be run using the Social Management Shell:


  4. Run the Launcher again, and select the "Launch Sitrion Social Management Shell" option.
  5. Once the Management Shell opens, run the commands you collected from the Install Log:


  6. Wait a couple of minutes at most, and the console will display a new prompt when done.



After addressing all of the referenced errors within the install log, retry the Install/Upgrade/Uninstall action you were attempting again. The operation should be completed with the underlying issues now addressed.

If the behavior persists, open a support ticket and provide the most recent Install Log.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
